About KNiTT

 ‘‘We help passionate knitters turn their creative ideas into the perfect finished project.’’

Whether you’re 8 or 108, we all have ideas. But an idea is...well...just an idea.

At KNiTT, we get super excited about helping you turn your ideas into a reality. It’s what we’re all about. Whether it’s that perfect present for a new born baby, a one off personal gift for someone special, or something you want to make….just for you. In fact, if you’re anything like us, you’re absolutely addicted to it, and don’t actually need any excuse at all to create just about anything, and just for the heck of it! Well, the good thing is, knitting is our rehab…and it’s also probably yours too!!

So let’s take those ideas and turn them into reality together. The trouble is, every shop says they have the best wool – but they can’t all be telling the truth, so what makes us different?

Well, we think differently here…Bear with us here while we tell you a story about a drill (yes, a drill…on a knitters website!!). You don’t buy a drill because you love drills. You buy a drill because you need a hole. In fact, you don’t really need a hole, you need somewhere to put a screw to hang a bookshelf. In fact, you don’t need some way to hang a bookshelf, you need a way to keep those lovely books you have of the floor! So actually, you’re buying a way to get those books off your floor when you shop for a drill! Make sense?!

It’s the same with the wool you buy from us. You’re not buying wool, because you love wool! You’re buying it to turn your knitted dream into a reality. Well, we get that…so we’ll do just about anything to help you do that. We know, because we love working with wool, to turn our own projects into reality too, and have done for too many years to remember! Now here’s the rub, clearly, to make your dream turn into the best reality it can be, what you make your next great project with is extremely important, so all our wool is personally sourced by our very own passionate knitters who understand what you’re really here to buy.

So how are we going to turn your dream into a reality together? Well, we’ve tried to make it super – ‘5 or 6 steps’ simple actually:

- Already got a great idea? Search for the perfect wool and accessories to turn it into a reality (you can even skip point 2!)

- Got the addiction, but struggling with the great idea? Search our partner for free patters to make something special.

-Buy everything you need.

-Turn the dream into a reality.

-Post a picture of your creation on your Instagram page and tag your photo @knitt_yarns

Bask in the glory of knowing you created your masterpiece from nothing….before coming back to us, and doing it all over again!

We’re super excited that you’ve chosen KNiTT to help you along your journey to create fantastic things from fabulous wool, and thank you for trusting us to give you the best possible products to do that with. 

All the best,

The KNiTT Team

Together let’s create